Friday 23 November 2012

Documentary Day 2

Today we began filming day 2 of our documentary interviews. Unfortunately due to the cancellation yesterday I began the day trying to find a new interviewee with no such luck. This was very disappointing for both me and the team as it would set us back on the amount we could use to edit and the varied answers we would have achieved otherwise. Therefore instead we began looking over the work we had completed the day before by looking through our rushes and discussing how we should edit them and what directions the answers could take us. We also began labeling everything correctly and developing an order. I also began writing up a script for our audio interview so we could perhaps use the answers in post production, using animation.

This time also allowed us to go through how we wanted to exactly film the cut away scenes, these depended heavily on the type of house we would be using which we hadn't seen previously. It also depended on what our actress would allow us to have access to and how open they were to using items around there home. Fortunately for us, our final interviewee was very enthusiastic about her new role and would willingly improvise a scene if necessary.

Finally finished filming and heading home.
I rang in the morning to confirm that we were still good to go as I did not want another cancellation. Once confirmed we prepared our equipment, once again checking batteries and SD cards. Due to the bad weather the previous day we had, had to dry out the camera bag and Marantz bag. This was unfortunate but we didn't want to damage the equipment. Luckily the bags had dried overnight so we were good to go. Again we had to walk to location which was fortunately not far and in a simple location.

Due to this particular interviewee providing the majority of our cut away scenes we had allowed ourselves more time to film at this location than at the previous addresses. While my team set up I briefed our actress on what we would like her to do, also going through the interview questions. I also discussed our ideas for the cut away scenes allowing her to elaborate on what she thought and what we could use in the house, particularly the kitchen, giving a change of location from the living room where the interview would be taking place. We were able to quickly and efficiently develop ideas for the cut away scenes to be performed after the interview.

Once we had finished setting up, with myself checking over what the team had decided, we asked our actress to sit as we adjusted the camera to her position, keeping close to the rules of thirds. Megan performed a sound checking, which we had visibly improved on from the day before, getting better, clearer sound quality. We began the interview, receiving helpful and interesting answers. The interview finished within the time we had set to complete it and we moved location into the kitchen to create the cut away scenes and beginning of our documentary.

Using items already available within our actress's house added to the realism and truth of our shots and allowed us to make it more believable. We took  a few takes of each cut away, adjusting the angle and composition of each shot so we had more depth to edit with.  We were very happy with the work we produced and hope it is to the quality expected of use, although we are pleased non the less. Our interviewees how been extremely patient with us as we used the equipment and had all visibly improved by the end of the day. We also became faster at setting up the equipment such as the tripod which had be a struggle to maneuver at first.

Once we had completed this last bit of filming we headed home to back up our rushes and look through the recordings for quality and to see what else we would need to film. However it wouldn't be until a first edit draft is made that we will be able to have a real scale of the amount. Unfortunately it looks as if we will have to recruit a new interviewee. This is not ideal but will be necessary for the quality and completeness of our film.

We were able to progress with the next stage of our filming by being able to write detailed questions for our professional interviewee, based on the information we had received by the 'public' and send this off to our contacts. I will also be contacting our university associate to update them on the progress we have made.

Overall I believe we have learned a great deal about the process of setting up, communicating with the public and actors, and conducting an interview. I would like to also thank everyone involved so far with our film for being involved and being patient with us and allowing us to develop our film making skills. We look forward to the feedback and what improvements we could make.

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